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DWFC media and interviews

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Really liked @jlamps pre match and post match interviews v York away on the DWFC channel (which I watch on YouTube) … good to see this week a player interview with Tom Blair too 

More of these please 😊 … gives a good insight and would like to see more player interviews and the chemistry between @Jlamps and Marc is always good 👍 😂 

That’s not to say the rest of the media team aren’t good too, but always like to see more interviews from the Wanderers 

  … is there scope for more media and podcasts too? … be interested to see what everyone thinks 🤔 


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Gary Pascoe
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Gary Pascoe's post match interviews were the best, he asked the questions fans wanted to  know and didn't give Marc a easy ride. 😉😉😉

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@happy-hammers yes, he was great, whatever happened to him? 😀 😀

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Dorking Eagle
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Kris is by far the best person to do the Friday lunchtime update video as he (usually) remembers all the main topics we want covered, other people have occasionally done it (stood in), barely asked Marc more than 2 questions and it's over in about 5 minutes as a result!

I would really like the Friday update to occasionally cover a varied range of stuff as well though - perhaps I am too nerdish(!) but tell us if there is a new food item at the ground, a new item of merch on sale, if there is any sort of (even small) progress on the big off field projects etc - use it as a real window to keep fans updated on everything not just who is injured for the next game. I know the mega exclusive stuff gets shared in shareholder update videos, but I just like to know stuff like thoughts on when rearranged fixtures might be fitted in, pre-season fixture schedule thoughts, thinking behind ticket pricing or deals etc


Pre-match interviews - barely ever watch them, it's just a rubbish time to put it out, I'm in the ground watching the warm up, chatting to people, looking at the programme and getting ready for the game. Never watch in later either (ie to see from the benefit of hindsight what was said). In short I don't see the point of them, all it does is probably tell the oppo manager some insights.


Post-match interviews - Gary was the best at these of all the people who did them sometimes asking difficult questions, James is already quickly getting towards that standard asking a question or two that a typical fan who watched the game would ask - lots of 'why' questions which is good.




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AdeB reacted
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Incidentally, twice now Marc has hinted that he is absolutely bursting to share some mega news.

I suspect this must be a breakthrough on one of the big projects that are in the pipeline...

Totally get that he mustn't scupper it happening by breaking news of it before everything is in place, but do hope that as a part owner (0.001%!) it gets shared with the owners group first, even if the 'exclusive' is just a 1 day head start on everyone else being told!

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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@dorking-eagle interesting thoughts, agree on pre match interviews, although sometimes watch the away game ones 

I also agree that it would be good to get more regular updates of some of the off field stuff, maybe this could be a monthly podcast series with some of the background team interviewed too

‘We’re the red and white army’ 🐔 ⚽️

Dorking Eagle
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Totally agree. 

That said, the club has to be so careful it doesn't show it's hand (on anything important) too early.

In a perfect world the club would share all the juicy details of the ambitions it has for Westhumble and Meadowbank (and other places too 😉 ), thoughts on a future having overall control of Meadowbank, ground improvements etc, however for every grand plan or idea, someone, somewhere will be opposed (and watching) so cards often need to be kept close to our chests for good reason.


"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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In general, I think the media side is something that Dorking do very well (post match, updates, etc) and i've genuinely enjoyed all the interviewers we've had/have (James, Tom, Kris, Gary, Dan, etc).

However, maybe unrelated, I do think our social media could improve a little bit. I think our match action updates (especially goals) could be improved to the level of other clubs although this is probably the kind of thing that comes with being a full time outfit. In the same coversation, I think our match highlights package could be better. For example, our camera quality (which I think the league provides tbf) is below the level of a lot of other clubs at our level or even below our level.

For a club that has effectively become the "internet's team" (sorry Crawley) due to the success of BoA, it feels like we should make every effort to be one of the best in that space for our level.

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Dorking Eagle
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Hashtag and Farnham could also lay a claim to being big social media clubs. Are Walton & Hersham also quite big in that regard?

A lot of the bog standard twitter posts are clearly set on some sort of timer, as you see them appear like clockwork at 9am, 10am etc!

Would be nice to see ones you don't expect, like today there was one where you could retweet to win a signed teamsheet. Ones which just say sponsorship opportunities available need freshening up occasionally otherwise it's just spam.


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Posted by: @dorking-eagle

Hashtag and Farnham could also lay a claim to being big social media clubs. Are Walton & Hersham also quite big in that regard

Cannot stand Hashtag. Pains me to even write their name.

The biggest and most important thing about any club is, of course, the name. And that name should be where the club comes from, the community it represents, and sometimes the wider area. 'Hashtag' is just like some fantasy football team going up through the leagues. A really crap idea. Where are they even from??

Rant over.


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I do have a lot of time for Farnham Town, though. Yes, big cash injection but the community work is quite something. And they're committed to a town centre ground too.

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@adeb I agree Hashtag is a terrible name and going forward they will likely have to rename to have a better connection with the local community. I think they are aware of this as well as they are good people running that club. They're based near Brentwood in Essex I believe.

Hashtag (and others) have big online views but mainly because of the YouTuber origins which doesn't necessarily translate to crowds and support. Dorking have a wider appeal because of Marc going viral every other week and the story/background of the club.

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@adeb On an unrelated note, Farnham have a 100% record this season which is absolutely insane. Obviously they have a step 3 level side playing at step 5 but still, that is a very impressive record...

They looked a very good side for their level when we played them in a friendly last season.

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Dorking Eagle
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Farnham have got the huge cash injection but their support at home games is snowballing to be fair. A new covered side terrace being erected as we speak. The ground they have will be fine up to NLS level, which may be where they sustainably sit anyway - they can put in more stands at the clock (slope) end.

Hashtag - I agree stupid name. And when their followers grow out of their teens and use social media differently will the support still be there to sustain them? Was all about how quickly can we get a club up the leagues (don't get me wrong many clubs do it or have done it) but it's all for clicks. 


"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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Going to shout out Toby for his brilliant youtube channel too and how far it's come in the last couple of years, would be great if he could be offered some involvement in the media team when he's old enough.

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