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Matt Briggs (Contin...
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Matt Briggs (Continued)

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Sorry that Derek got so upset about some comments about Matt, but we are all typical football supporters. Even if we have never played the game other than at school, for the local pub or the works team, we all profess to know more about the game, choice of team, tactics, etc than the manager.  Actually we just like football, and like to express our views. And no-one on this site has been as critical of named players as Marc.

When I first went to West Humble in early 2016 I was impressed by the professionalism of the club and the quality of the play. But what got me hooked on DWFC was seeing the two stand-out players – Macca & Briggsy.  Yes, both struggling a bit just now to find fitness & form, but after the posts yesterday I wanted to give everyone a reminder of why they are still key to the team.  I must have spent about two hours yesterday searching, without reward, through You Tube to find the game at West Humble that illustrated their skill.  Macca made a diagonal pass from his own half and found Matt about 30 yards from goal – one touch to control the ball and WHAM! The ball was in the net.

Derek or James may remember the game (and I’m sure it wasn’t the only one) – or even better – they may be able to find the link. If so let us know.

We all hope that Matthew can get back to full fitness and I'm still puzzled why a few weeks loan is not the best way to achieve that.  If nothing else it will stop the negative/pessimistic comments from DWFC fans who are agonising over the slow progress and setbacks.

Dorking Eagle
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The mods locked the thread yesterday because most people had had their say and we thought it best to draw a line whilst it was still respectful.

If people do want to continue the discussion in an articulate and constructive way I am happy to leave this thread alone, not a problem, there were some great counter views shared yesterday. 

Please all remember to respect each other with your views at all times of course 👍

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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Gary Pascoe
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I think the fans on here are very fair,  they are critical when they need to be and give the team and players a lot of praise when they do good. 

This is men's football not youth football, players get paid well, supporters travel all over the country spending their hard earned cash, so have a right to say how they feel. 

I understand Derek defending Matt, as it's a father and son thing, but knowing Matt as I do he doesn't need defending. 

I'm really hoping and wishing we will see the same old brigg's but I'm not 100% sure we will. He might have to change his game??

AdeB reacted
Dorking Eagle
Just a supporter. Moderator
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Posts: 893

Thanks Gary, I do appreciate the general positive but still fair and balanced tone on here - it shows the fans are realistic with their aspirations and recognise the challenges the club has in terms of the clubs relative size and resources compared to most opponents we come up against.

This season there has been a noticeable change in style of play most weeks to a more 'pragmatic' or direct style. Some weeks it works, many weeks it doesn't, perhaps there hasn't been enough of a transfer of playing personnel yet to those that will work best with more direct football? 

There is likely to be quite a turnover of players over the next 12 months as Marc has indicated, several stalwarts and old favourites (no idea which and probably neither does Marc yet) may have to move on their football journey - as always in football some might go up to bigger things you just don't know. Some will adapt and some will improve like a fine wine (look at Dan Gallagher this season!!).

It will never be dull and uneventful at this club for sure!

This post was modified 12 months ago by Dorking Eagle

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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