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Reasons to be cheerful....maybe

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Ok, so if we did go down, here are some positives;

A chance to really re-group, sort out the infrastructure, possibly go full time or at least plan for when that will be. As Marc said way back, the NL promotion probably came too soon.

Re assess the whole squad, although that will have to happen either way, it kind of takes the pressure off somewhat

Get the ground purchase sorted

And for the fans, some good away days;

Farnborough, Worthing, Bath City, St Albans (love that ground), Hampton & R, Tonbridge, Weston and Weymouth. Quite like Welling too tbh. And I think we'd still take decent amounts everywhere, making it even better.

What else? 


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Marc is not giving up the managers job anytime soon. He should however invest in a top notch coach to run the training and take some of the load off him. In the first season the team looked better prepared when Mark Beard was head coach than it has done this season.


You can tell he does too much. 

Crawleysth reacted
Dorking Eagle
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I wouldn't want anyone but Marc to be manager, he cares more than anyone else ever could. The shout about getting Beard back is a good one though (if Beard even would want to come back)


"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

GeorgeS reacted
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Be interesting to see how many ST we sell in NLS if they’re best part of £500! Thankfully i got mine in the sale 

On a positive note, I think Truro play at Torquay so a weekend on the Riviera sounds appealing 😀

Crawleysth reacted
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Club may well have to look at ticket prices/deals next season if get relegated. Sensible to buy season ticket in sales.

I wonder if club will do any cheap deals for last two games if still chance of staying up. Crawley did that in a similar position last season and they won both games and got much larger crowds. They charged £2 per game for 2 games, and doing same again this year as chance of getting in playoffs.

I can't see Dorking charging so little, but half price admission at the two games could increase attendance, and give much needed support - Marc is always saying he wants Meadowbank packed, and reduced ticket prices could make a difference. May have to charge same for away fans but don't think Altrincham and Hartlepool would bring too many (although a last away game fancy dress party used to be a tradition of Hartlepool fans when they were in EFL).


Dorking Eagle
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Wierdly season tickets for next season are not currently on sale, which is odd. You would think the best marketing ploy would be to have them on sale now at the January price (£290 adults) and warn fans that the price will increase when survival is secured.

Would plant the seed in people's heads that the price now is the best it will be and can only go up, so buy now.

Either that or have some sort of loyalty reward for people who buy a season ticket for next season now - could be relatively very low cost like a scarf, but encourages those who show commitment.

Truro played at Plymouth Parkway most of this season, then went to groundshare at Taunton, not sure where they are playing home games now (Gloucester?)

The remaining Dorking home games have been on sale for some time, and with a traditionally large Hartlepool contingent expected I cannot see Dorking reducing the prices, the club need all the income they can get.

If we did go down, £18 admission is about right for the NLS anyway.

This post was modified 12 months ago by Dorking Eagle

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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I assume season tickets are not on sale at moment due to our current position. Most teams do not put their season tickets or next season"s kit on sale so early (weren't they first available over Christmas/New Year?). I think the club only put them on sale so early to help club finances.

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Last couple of years there was a "Big Freeze" discount in March. I was relying on that this year to be honest, not that I won't renew!

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