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Stewards and Maidenhead

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Some complaints online from Maidenhead fans following Saturday - 'not properly segregated', 'home fans in away area', 'terrible stewards' and 'fan punched'

Couldn't see any segregation issues personally - anyone see anything like that?

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Was walking back up towards the high street and some Maidenhead fans had been punched in the face. Some had nose bleeds, ripped shirts etc. Not nice at all and I hope dorking find these “fans” responsible. 

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That is awful. Not want we want.  I wonder if they brought any police with them, as some teams do, to escort them in and out of ground. Usually seems completely unnecessary, but maybe not.  Let's hope for nothing like that this evening, when there will be loads of away fans in the High st before and after the game. 

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At both the Maidenhead and Southend games, stewards have walked past me (by the home dugout) escorting people out of the ground. No Police for the Maidenhead game but there were at Southend. Didn't hear of any trouble at the recent game, but clearly some idiots getting around near the segregation. Someone also stated that away fans had tickets in the home end on Tuesday night as well. 

Dorking Eagle
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It was odd that having sold 900 tickets, the Southend section was deemed as sold out. As the new away terrace has a capacity circa 1200, then there's space for 180 in the away standing shelter, a bit of flat standing along the side, and of course about 40 away seats.

You can't blame a few away fans for coming in the home end when it's pay on the gate and no questions asked (as long as you don't wear colours)

Particularly as the Fanzone is 'mixed' so you can get into it from the home end, then walk straight out the back of the fanzone into the away end.

Presume the 900 away limit on this occasion was set by the police? Or down to how many security staff the club could get?

Will be good when the home fans can get additional drinking space somewhere - be it the soft play (doesn't seem likely?) or the picnic area behind The Bank. Then the Fanzone behind the Main Stand can be exclusively for away fans and segregation can be more robust.

I am sure Stephen and Jason who work on ground improvements will come up with something!

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I think those stewards (certainly for the Maidenhead game) were just monitoring the movement of a few 'troublemakers' that turn up at some home (and a few local away) games - don't think they left the ground.

Didn't see any Southend fans in the home end Tuesday, and certainly no celebrations when they scored.
