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Surrey FA - Friend or Foe?

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Anybody know why the Surrey FA tries so hard to make life difficult for Dorking Wanderers?

The list of their petty, obstructive actions is difficult to comprehend. It is common knowledge that they tried to block the ground upgrade which would have stopped our promotion to the National League. What is almost beyond belief is that to punish the Club for laying a water pipe without permission they were going to close the ground with about three days notice – just before our first televised game!

Rather than resolve issues around the table, the SFA insist on using their very expensive lawyers and this has so far cost DWFC over £100.000 in legal fees alone and counting.  They want us to pay £1,400 for the privilege of installing the 100-seater stand which the Club bought pre-season.

What is hard to understand is that improving the stadium facilities benefits the SFA. Getting promotion to the National League also brings extra kudos and publicity to the SFA. Why do they cut off their nose to spite their face?  It just seems vindictive.

To make matters worse they are about to raise their hire fees by 35%.

We will not be able to sustain a National League position with the SFA as our landlords.

Dorking Raider
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My understanding is that it is claimed to largely stem from the CEO of SFA taking a dislike to MW

I am aware of a large number of allegedly 'petty actions' by SFA which I believe are unjustified

An independent inquiry in currently underway

It serves to underline the importance of DWFC getting on with purchasing the operating lease (ie not just the stadium freehold). Sooner the better.


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Do we know the hurdles that exist now that prevent the purchase? Seems like we were approved to purchase awhile ago.

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My understanding is that a deal was agreed about a year ago between MVDC, SFA & DWFC but the SFA appears to have reneged and taken every opportunity to delay further discussions.  Apart from the petty actions I mentioned above they exploit DWFC for SFA’s commercial gain, refuse to discuss issues around the table (instead use expensive lawyers), petition community clubs with anti-DWFC propaganda and even engage with local councillors to derail the stadium sale. DWFC have made an official complaint to the FA and requested that a formal enquiry be made into the SFA’s actions.  I think this has just started.

Is it just me? Have I missed something? Or is their disgraceful approach to the landlord and tenant relationship inexcusable? If other Forum subscribers  feel like I do  are you content to sit back and let the SFA destroy Dorking Wanderers Football Club?  Or do you want to do something about it?

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I don’t have any inside track on all the shenanigans beyond what Marc has told us.  
But it does sound outrageous what SFA are doing; completely petty and an absolute waste of money.  Good that there is now an inquiry but it sounds like there should have been some sort of mediation at the start to avoid the legal costs. SFA should be called out for squandering so much money at the very least.  

In terms of doing something about it, I’m up for that.  But what are you thinking? And would the club want it to come out in public? 

There are many options, from public protests at SFA events and DW games to more subtle behind the scenes questioning and buggering them about.  Other thoughts? 


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As a first step it would be good if as many people as possible wrote (e-mail or letter) to the Leader of MVDC, copied to your local Councillor.  And also a letter (e-mail) to the Acting Chair of the SFA. 

MVDC appear to be on our side so not too critical but asking them to do more to resolve the conflict.

To SFA just express your feelings about their approach, ask them to justify their actions, demand that they get on with the review, etc.

I've written to both with Marc's blessing. I'm not expecting replies but the more people who write (and who are not DWFC officials) the more pressure on them to act.  At a meeting several months ago Marc said that at one stage the SFA wanted DWFC to sign NDAs so that their disgraceful, vindictive actions would not be made public.

The company doing the review is Bird & Bird and I cc'd my SFA letter to their London partner.

You can find relevant names on web sites.  It's best to compose your own message (even if it's short and to the point) rather than boiler plate the same words.

Hope this helps and encourages forum subscribers to write.
