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Surrey FA - Friend or Foe?

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Anybody know why the Surrey FA tries so hard to make life difficult for Dorking Wanderers?

The list of their petty, obstructive actions is difficult to comprehend. It is common knowledge that they tried to block the ground upgrade which would have stopped our promotion to the National League. What is almost beyond belief is that to punish the Club for laying a water pipe without permission they were going to close the ground with about three days notice – just before our first televised game!

Rather than resolve issues around the table, the SFA insist on using their very expensive lawyers and this has so far cost DWFC over £100.000 in legal fees alone and counting.  They want us to pay £1,400 for the privilege of installing the 100-seater stand which the Club bought pre-season.

What is hard to understand is that improving the stadium facilities benefits the SFA. Getting promotion to the National League also brings extra kudos and publicity to the SFA. Why do they cut off their nose to spite their face?  It just seems vindictive.

To make matters worse they are about to raise their hire fees by 35%.

We will not be able to sustain a National League position with the SFA as our landlords.

Dorking Eagle
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The location of the stadium is absolute gold

It was clear to see when we were in the NL (prem) how much visiting fans loved coming to their game at Meadowbank - all the nearby historic pubs, cafes, bookies etc - it's the prime location.

And the council has already accepted in principal that the ground can accommodate the 5k capacity that the EFL require

Whilst the ground has so much improvements before then, it has the potential, and that counts for so much

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

AdeB reacted
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Ripping off your only tenant maybe "short term commercial" but in the long term you could end up with a white elephant. 


As you've driven Dorking away and all you are left with is a bunch of training businesses using it for coaching kids, and a few amateur clubs with no fans using it for training. 

Dorking Eagle
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Quite. I hope that SFA take their footballs and create an HQ somewhere else in the county - Guildford Spectrum would be ideal (although I am not sure what the club already there will have done to deserve it lol)

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the issue. When that type of 'track record' get that type of position they will forever be a pain in the arse. Especially having the opportunity of 'getting one over' a 'throwback' like Marc.


On the bright side, said person will land another 'gilded', publicly funded stint and lay down a dour perspective elsewhere.



AdeB reacted
Dorking Eagle
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Great news last night that the CEO of Surrey FA (whom the majority of the DW complaint was centred around) has resigned her role.

Hopefully that should smooth the path to a successful purchase of the freehold and operating licence

Just the small matter of the club raising a LOT of money.

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

EthanT and SDDWFC reacted
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@dorking-eagle Good news indeed - assuming her replacement is not remotely similar!

Re the purchase - operating licence first, hopefully straightforward.

Dorking Eagle
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That would be the logical first purchase, really hope it all comes to fruition

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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This would suggest that the independent enquiry has finally deliberated and upheld our complaint.

A long way to go yet but hopefully, if the new CEO agrees, we can get the operational licence before the end of the season.

I've been assured several times by Kris and Jonathan that money raised by the 12th Man Scheme is being ring-fenced for infrastructure and will not be used for players' wages.

AdeB reacted
Dorking Eagle
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I understand that the current 3G pitch can only be used up until the end of this season

What type of pitch do people think Meadowbank will have for season 25/26, and who will be responsible for funding it's creation, whether it's grass, hybrid or another 3G for another 7 years?

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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Having seen the 3G pitches at Aveley and Tonbridge, and to a lesser extent Horsham this season. I must admit they look so much better then ours does. Maybe they are newer then ours. Who knows!!

But, we have all heard Marc complaining about artificial pitches. So on that basis, if Marc and the club have any say in the matter a grass hybrid would be the way forward


As for the funding, I would imagine Surrey FA would be responsible for majority of it, as they take any rental from clubs and societies using it

I'll have a Guinness

Dorking Eagle
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Aveley's was brand new this summer - the old one was in massive piles in the car park still waiting to be moved on!

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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I think the favoured option is for a hybrid pitch.  Let's hope DW are in control of the stadium when the time comes to decide.

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