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[Closed] Thoughts on Matt Briggs

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Was thinking about this and I'm getting concerned that we might never see Briggs back to his best.

IMO, we have seen nothing from him at all since his various returns from the original injury back in Feb 2022 (also me and my son's first Wanderers game), and he doesn't even look like he's capable of doing it either. And that pass to gift Horsham's second was awful.

Maybe a bit harsh, but it was a horrendous injury and I'm wondering if his confidence been damaged too much?

It would be really gutting as I know (from YouTube!) that he is/was such an exciting and vital part of the team. Maybe needs more time, but at the moment (and when back from injury) I'd have Jimmy Muitt down the right.


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I agree Ade, I think it is a major concern both fitness and confidence wise. Having seen Briggsy at his best over the years since he arrived, he is a shadow of that player now. Obviously was a lot easier for him back then, being younger and playing against sides without the full backs we see now. 

I don't think he trusts his own body anymore to be able to run at people without that fear of injury. He seems to play it simple - gets it, stops and lays it back. His crossing is below par (was never his strong point anyway) and as you say that horrendous thump back towards Dan G on Saturday just sums it all up at the moment. 

I would like to see him playing on loan somewhere to get some games, fitness and confidence but whether that happens or is an option I don't know. When everyone is fit and available I don't think he would make the squad on current form. 

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Is there a reason why he hasn't been loaned out to prove his fitness (like Alfie & Jimmy)? Is there some stigma attached to going out on loan?

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It doesn't help that we keep rushing him back from the start. Last year he came back from the ACL injury and then we started him 3 times in a week so obviously picks up an injury. He clearly wasn't ready to start at Horsham the other day either.

Also, without sounding too much like a Hartlepool commentator, he does look a bit overweight at the moment.

I would actually like to see Bowerman on the left and Blair on the right until Jimmy/Briggsy are back up to speed.

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Posted by: @calvertskans

Also, without sounding too much like a Hartlepool commentator, he does look a bit overweight at the moment.

I completely agree - and have thought that from the moment he first reappeared.

Not having been familiar with him from before the ACL, I just thought that he was more of a 'chunky' build - but yes, he now looks too heavy for an attacking winger, imo.


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He was getting some banter from the Horsham fans about his weight.

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Interesting comments against Dorking's Longest serving outfield and loyal player, after one poor pass by people who have obviously never been professional sportsmen. You all seem to have forgotten about the performances against Chesterfield, Southend and Hartlepool this season where the data shows he and Seb are the hardest working players on the pitch and doing the most miles. Perhaps also forgetting the 3 second half 80 metre sprints leaving the defenders in his wake against Southend and his defensive work against Hartlepool when he got back numerous times with his pace when others couldn't. His ball retention is also one of the highest in the team.

Since you are oblivious to the work that is going on to get his hamstring fit he has been instructed to increase his calories and protein intake to strengthen his hamstrings and he is building muscle. He has always been this build and that is what gives him his power and speed. So I think I would rather listen to his Physio and fitness coach rather than the clowns on here who haven't a clue.

With regards his age he is one of the younger players in the squad and is younger than both Jimmy Muit and Seb Bowerman and not much older than Tom Blair.

His confidence is also still high but the style of play at the moment does not suit wingers.

With regards performances in the last 4 games he has not been given one pass by a midfield player either to his feet or out in front or behind the defence and all wingers have suffered from this this season. Everything is given back to the full back where it is either lumped forward to Jason or is passed 10 yards behind Briggsy and normally heading out of play as at Horsham, where he had to sprint back ten yards to try and keep it in, so there is nowhere for him to go. he has also been instructed to get the ball into the box to Jason as soon as possible rather than taking on players. So blame the style of play and not the players.

With regards loans, why put a player that is always going to be in your squad out on loan as he has had a full pre-season, and the only reason he has hamstring issues is that Dorking played him for 90+16, 90+10 and 90+ minutes with in 10 days after being out for 15 months. The later when the fitness coaches had already highlighted that he was in the red zone for injury after 80 minutes, and the coaching staff decided to take Jason off instead. The club had an inquest on that one and took the blame and apologised to Briggsy.

To start this conversation on this site without any knowledge, insight or basic understanding  of the game or the players and to contribute to it has been a misjudgement and thank you to the club officials, a player and some supporters commenting and pointing me to it. I am also please to se that only 4 people have participated on this subject and others have decided to stay well clear.

Other players have been criticised on here including McShane, Fuller as being too old and passed it. These comments on not good for the players themselves or team morale or the club and are not necessary.

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Appreciate your response - and apologies for any offence caused to Matt.

I should point out however, that if you re-read what I originally posted, you'll see that it was more of a genuine concern rather than any random criticism, and I did point out both his track record and outstanding talent, as well as his worth to the team.

Unfortunately I am not privy to all the inside information that you might be, including the fitness and training regime at the club, so some of my comments might be wide of the mark.

I also think it is vital that fans (and owners) are able to make what I see as constructive critical comments about the players, but of course appreciate that this should not be at the expense of the player's confidence or in any way seen as personal.

Thanks once again for responding.

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Just to add on to what @adeb said, Briggsy is my all time favourite Dorking player and my first name on the teamsheet when fit, an opinion that I am sure a lot of fans who watched him every week before the injugry on here share. I also completely agree that he was excellent at Hartlepool, Chesterfield, etc this season. Not a single fan doubts the ability of Matt Briggs - I always tell new fans or peope who have never seen him play before that he is genuinely the best winger in non-league when at his best!

As others have said in this thread, it is clear that Briggs has been overplayed this (and last) season after a very serious injury and obviously should have been rotated more in order to get him back to peak fitness. Unfortunately, injuries in other positons, red cards, etc have probably limited the opportunities to rest him so far. I think most of the comments about loans were more about when he returned last season as he didn't have a pre-season at that point (similar to the Muitt and Rutherford situation this year).

Discussion about player and team performance is a common part of a fan forum though. Fans/Investors who pay their money to watch matches home and away week after week (I've not missed a home game for several years and only missed one away match this calendar year) are within their rights to have constructive opinions (which includes criticism) of any player regardless of how long they have been at the club. I think the comments/feedback on this forum regarding players are generally constructive and not personal.

We all can't wait to see Briggsy tearing up the league again!


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I hadn't commented on this thread because I didn't have much to add to previous posters general comments.

Of course as fans we aren't privvy to all the behind the scenes information, medical information etc that a play or a players family member might be.

For that reason I greatly appreciate Derek coming on here to offer counter comments.

This is of course a completely independent fans forum and anyone is entirely welcome to post whatever opinions they have (even Halifax fans!). Opinions and debate are part and parcel of what this site is here for. Right of reply is always available. We don't intend to censor peoples opinions and free speech unless legalities have been breached.

That doesn't mean that everything we discuss is going to be positive and rose tinted. Akin to a certain managers recent post match comments 'you dont have to [read] it'.

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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And just to add - the respect and decency must work both ways. Calling fans/owners 'clowns' is out of order and should be called out.

Many of these 'clowns' are the ones helping to pay the wages and who, in many cases have invested (sometimes significant) sums to be part owners of DWFC.

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Dorking Raider
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People are entitled to discuss players on here as they see fit, this is a safe space for fans to talk to other fans and share views.

And all the time we have an owner who describes his team of players as "f*** s" in post match interviews, I think our carefully argued critiques of players (balanced with some recognition of a players fitness / injury history) have been perfectly fair.

Baggy, AdeB and TomCalvert reacted