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Update this morning
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Update this morning

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For those that missed it, Marc will be giving an update at 9am this morning, live from the Hartswood training ground.

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Any update on what was said or a link.

Ive searched all socials, bar twitter, and can't see owt.



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@scoobs Not much to be honest.

Was just telling fans to temper expectations a bit considering injury situation and telling idiots on Facebook to stop calling for him to step down as manager.

He mentioned about players getting abused during the warm-up on Saturday - did anyone hear anything? I was in the clubhouse during the warm-up so I didn't see/hear any of it.

Scoobs reacted
Dorking Eagle
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Firstly, there was no 'major news' - it was a clarification of previous messaging, mainly a clarification of the post-match interview on Saturday.

Which was probably felt necessary because there were comments such as one where he said he'd rather have 20 fans at away games...

The clarification was of course that 98% of our fans are supportive, totally 'get' the club and where it's come from and are brilliantly supportive.

So it was good he cleared that up for anyone in doubt.

I can be an anoying pedant and go through it with a fine toothcomb (he tends to embellish attendances, which to be honest I couldn't recall off the top of my head either - and this isn't BBC Verify!), but that was the prime gist.

Marc clearly takes massive offence at any criticism of himself. He clearly reads all the social media and takes criticism to heart. He went as far as to say he will take issue with anyone 'to their face'. If Marc is reading this, which isn't impossible, then I would say that the vast majority of people on social media saying 'he's taken it as far as he can' or the less articulate 'Marc out' - these people are not Dorking fans, they are random wind-up merchants, often fans of our rivals. Marc must know in his heart that people saying he can't do it any more, or doubting his ability just spurs him on to prove them wrong again and again. So ignore them Marc and prove them wrong like you always do!

I did pick up on the mention that some of our fans were 'disrespectful to the players' during the warm up. I was stood right at the front, right where they warmed up. At the most there were a couple of comments of stuff like 'we need a performance today lads', nothing 'barbed' at all. Someone standing at the front was holding a beer and joked with Carter about you can have a pint if we win, Carter joked back I'll come over and have a drink from it if I score! And it was all in good humour and taken as such. So if the players went crying about comments like that then blimey, sensitive lot we have. As I say there was nothing like 'you've been shit for weeks' or anything. And to be honest, Marc himself rips into them collectively in the dressing room when it's really bad, we've all watched BoA.

When Marc covered the injury crisis, and mentioned the positive changes the club has made this season he blamed a lot of the problem as being the contact injuries, saying that the 'pulls and strains' are 'no more than you'd usually expect'. I am not a statto, but my impression is that these pulls and strains are in part due to players being either over-used or brough back early - Prior, Murphy, JNW come to mind. Murphy was on the bench at Aveley and at one point looked like he was going to be brought on - fortunately wasn't, but then missed starting the next one (Eastbourne?) due to still not being 100% right.

I maintain if you want to see who is swearing like crazy or booing the team after a defeat (in the ground) then more often than not it's the northern BoA 'followers', who seem to think that because Marc swears a lot on tv then it's fine (you don't get much at all amongst our support, it really is family friendly)

The interesting bit was "there's one or two things behind the scenes I'm not happy with - I'm working on those" which was intriguing

And the final summation about‘expectation management’ - saying that some of our fans expect us to go through this division easily. Yet it was him saying all pre-season about it being the season where we win the league and with 100 points. So he did set that expectation in the first place. I have no problem him saying abitious things - 'back to back' promotions was even occasionally mentioned. Perhaps he feels he has to say that to keep sponsors keen, and also to keep good players like Carter and Josh Taylor at the club. 

Overall, in summary there was no big ‘news’ just a clarification of what he has been trying to articulate before. He is obviously reading a lot of the critical stuff online and wants to try and change the narrative. 

And that is fair enough by me. 100% behind him as always to be honest.



This post was modified 6 months ago by Dorking Eagle

"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

AdeB, EthanT and TomCalvert reacted
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Posted by: @dorking-eagle

lot of the problem as being the contact injuries, saying that the 'pulls and strains' are 'no more than you'd usually expect'. I am not a statto, but my impression is that these pulls and strains are in part due to players being either over-used or brough back early - Prior, Murphy, JNW come to mind. Murphy was on the bench at Aveley and at one point looked like he was going to be brought on - fortunately wasn't, but then missed starting the next one (Eastbourne?) due to still not being 100% right.

By my count, players have missed a combined 51 games through injury and 3 (technically 4) games through suspension so far this season. Of those 51 games missed through injury, I believe 19 of those were through "contact" injuries:

Pybus x 3

Camp x 4

J. Taylor x 1

Kuhl x 6

Moore x 5

So around 37% of injuries this season were effectively out of their control which is quite high.

The Pybus injury was a "knock" at Truro so i've included that but it might not have been a contact injury. You could also argue that the Gallagher injury from last season should be on this list.

With that being said, i'm not sure I buy the whole "injuries add strain to the fit players as they have to play more minutes" comment. The likes of Charlie Carter, Josh Taylor, Tony Craig, Dan Pybus, etc would almost certainly play every minute of every game even if we had an entire fit squad to choose from. You can see this by the fact that Josh Taylor played pretty much every minute of every game last season even when we had periods of less injuries.

The strain it does add is to the players who are returning from injuries. Dan Gallagher would not have played anywhere near as many minutes as he had in recent weeks if we had a mostly fit squad to choose from. 


Dorking Eagle
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There is no way Prior would have played Sat-Mon-Sat-Mon if Murphy had been full fit. The pair of them would have shared minutes. That Prior is still playing as much as he can with a dodgy knee and illness is a knock on effect from Murphy's strain


"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

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The best advice for Mark is to ignore the trolls, 99.9% will not even be Dorking fans especially those on X or FB.


I did not see the need for the morning update, as the update was mainly to address trolls online and call for patience. There was not anything new here. 


We have seen trolls having a go since the first season in the NLP, its nothing new. 



AdeB reacted
Gary Munnery
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Regarding the warm up abuse, I was stood in the stand from 1.45 and I didn’t hear a thing all day. There were a few drunken youngsters but every thing was fine. 

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Posted by: @adeb

For those that missed it, Marc will be giving an update at 9am this morning, live from the Hartswood training ground.

Must admit not been listening to some of his post match chats recently. Gave up after about 2 minutes in the Horsham one, as not pleasant listen when he is unhappy which seems to be more frequent recently. 


