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Woking fans

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Why are Woking fans so obsessed with Dorking? It's just weird. Or is it only a Twitter thing?

Dorking Eagle
Just a supporter. Moderator
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It's just a combination of general immaturity, the freedom to write any old nonsense online and perhaps a little insecurity (insofar as they have seen how quickly Dorking Wanderers have risen through the divisions, developed our ground(s) and grown our support, and some wrongly feel that belittling us in some way makes them more secure. They have their own targets and ambitions and we have ours.

The reality is that Woking have a large enough ground which should mostly satisfy the EFL ground graders if they were to achieve a promotion finish, so they have little of their own to worry about. They should be consistently be aiming to be top 7.

Dorking Wanderers have their own ambitions, but are sensible enough to understand the various current limitations. We are doing the best within our means, and trying to grow and develop the infrastructure all the time, so that in 4-5 years time we can be in a stronger position to challenge for promotion, be full time, have better stadium facilities etc.

The two clubs are currently on different pages of the same book, however I never doubt the ambitions of our great little club to surprise us all!


"Why would I leave to join a League Two club? We're going there anyway!" - Marc White

AdeB and SDDWFC reacted
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@dorking-eagle Great comment! Spot on.
